After nearly running out of things to do after 20 Series in Project Cars 1, we are ready to start a new chapter! Initial impressions of the week we’ve had the game are overall good, however as online racing is the bulk of the experience most SRM drivers dabble in, the week hasn’t been without a few headaches.
On launch night I fired up the game at 9PM PST, the earliest you could play the retail copy. My download had finished and installed at about 8:58, so I wasn’t wasting any time. I streamed the entire night with Mexxi, Colts and Ipecac popping in to try it out. NSFW language thanks to Mexxi.
The game is still fresh, both in its release state and also in it’s learning curve. Getting used to the different options and features is going to take time to get comfortable with. And we can hope that SMS has some fixes ready to go soon to polish up the online experience.
The most notable concerns involve disconnects, and lagging / stuttering. The later is inevitable if you want to race online. Pressing the button to choose a car at first is unresponsive, and has taken 5-10 seconds before even going to the screen to make a choice. Even worse is the tuning screen, prepare to wait 15+ seconds to even click the Edit Setup button.
When players joined a lobby in pCars1, there was a slight hiccup when they loaded up. In pCars2, the hiccup turns into a full on spasm and lasts for far too long. Here’s to hoping you were not on your hotlap going into a corner or braking zone! These issues have all been identified and should be fixed soon.
Once this is rectified, there is very little else to complain about that isn’t cosmetic or feature related. Online racing has been exciting thanks to tons of options and combinations available. We took our normal Tuesday night to try and get up to speed and our old good buddy MannyHavitz joined us. He was kind enough to put together another video of a race we had that night. He does great work and we’re honored when he does a video with us. Be sure to scope his Youtube channel for some great racing!
I’m sure there will be more to come for pCars2. I’m trying to amp myself up to post more often. Likely about SRM series upcoming and also GTSport. Until next time.